2017年1月9日 星期一

Google Play Store Feature Notes

1.      Android 裝置上的返回鍵,應該有正常作用,可以[返回上一頁]
 To maintain a consistent user experience, the Android Back button must:
Have the same functionality as any on-screen back or close button
Dismiss all dialog windows
Please refer the attached screenshot for more details.
For more info:
2.      遊戲中必須進行的流程(例如說新手任務),介面不應該讓用戶有取消的按鈕,造成任務中斷

3.      Android 裝置切換到英文語系的時候,遊戲APP的名稱應該是顯示對應的英文名稱(例如註冊的英文名稱),避免顯示亂碼、中文

4.      商店中一定要有隱私權宣告的連結

5. TargetSDK Version 要設定為最新,而且要確保可以正確執行在最新Android版本上

6.      要有一張 Feature 的美術圖(Feature Graphic),要符合幾個 guideline
• The feature image should prominently display the app’s title/logo as this graphic may be displayed without the app icon during a promotion.
• Use large font sizes that are legible across multiple screen sizes.
• Try to vertically and horizontally center any logo/copy information in the frame to ensure visibility
For more info:

7.      商店上要有提供平板的美術宣傳圖
Please upload at least one unaltered, high-resolution (1280 x 800 minimum) screen capture to the tablet sections of the developer console, preferably in each supported orientation. For more info:

8.      App Icon 要符合一些guideline
Consider using this icon generator as a starting point: http://goo.gl/14DrRi (Github)

9.      不要在用戶重複按會產生對話介面(Dialog)按鈕的時候,產生堆疊式的對話介面,而應該只顯示單一一個對話介面

